What Would You Rather The Podcast

Prequel - Episode nine: Laura Lexx loves a service station.

Episode Summary

In episode nine of what would you rather, Julia has lost her voice so Will Duggan joins Rosa to chat with Laura Lexx. We talk about reversing into parents cars, how many laughs should be in a 'tight' 20 minute routine and how anxious we all are about leaving our homes unlocked.

Episode Notes

Things we’ve learnt about Laura Lexx in episode nine of what would you rather:

  1. Laura has the loveliest of voices.
  2. Owls have long legs.
  3. She loves a service station.
  4. She enjoys annoying Will Duggan.
  5. Wing mirrors are car ears.


@lauralexx (twitter)

@lexxlaura (instagram)

Send us your 'what would you rathers' to -

@whatwouldyouratherthepodcast (instagram)

@WWYR_pod (twitter)

Show art by Hannah Stiles @hannahs_pet_portraits (instagram)

Music by Hollie Buhagiar @hollieboohiya (instagram)